Friday, May 04, 2007


0705 MP3
Originally uploaded by rooruu.

This is the podcast beastie, a modest half-gig with better-than-bud headphones (that won't hurt my ears or fall out). Nuffink posh. BUT it is a new adventure. Till now, I haven't really engaged with podcasts. Listened to some stuff directly online, but not the whole podcast thing. (Oh, and this does FM radio too).

Before subscribing, I needed a bit of software, a podcasting client - I downloaded Juice, formerly known as i-Podder, I gather. O-kaaaay.

Now to find podcasts to subscribe to and to download.

Weeks Ringle wrote a piece for whip up that has good links in both post and comments - some of my choices were prompted by that article.

A Prairie Home Companion. Aaaaaah. Treasure.
BBC Radio 4 weekly choice. Brainfood.
This American Life. Because Weeks said so.
To the best of our knowledge. More brainfood.
Mark Kermode's film reviews. BBC, a UK angle on film.
American RadioWorks. Long radio docos, often an hour each. Seriously engaging brainfood that I'll cherrypick.
The splendid table. Food.
Thank God it's Friday. Humour from 702 radio in Sydney.
Alex Anderson's weekly podcast. Quilting.

I also intend to prance through the archives at CraftSanity.

It's a start. So far so good (have to watch that bandwidth). But there's a bunch of good stuff out there. If you have any favourite podcasts, please provide info and links in the comments! I'd be pleased to learn about more.

The podcast beastie's now loaded with tracks of good listening and, on its first outing, worked a treat.

The little red transistor radio (AM only of course - who'd heard of FM?) I was given one Christmas near the end of primary school seems a long long way from all this. And yet they're about the same thing, control of your personal soundscape.

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