Saturday, June 27, 2009

blog? what blog?

0903 water dragon
Originally uploaded by rooruu
Well you might ask. I've been, in the lovely Australian expression, flat out like a lizard drinking, and when it's that busy, something goes. Haven't even been TAKING a photo a day recently, let alone blogging one.

I've been reading other people's blogs, as time permits, and it's good to keep up there, but as to the rest.... there's a break coming up in a few weeks, thanks be.

Went Out and About today. Reverse Garbage in Marrickville is always good for a look: I only invested in a backpack ($2.50, bargain!) and a bag made out of an advertising vinyl banner (cool!) but came away with ideas I want to investigate further. (Reverse Garbage recycles clean industrial waste, and there are lots of things and lots of possibilities in that tin warehouse).

The Remnant Warehouse and Quiltsmith are two inner city (Sydney) quilt shops (Alexandria and Annandale) that I don't get to very often - lots of yummy things at both of them, but I was restrained, buying much more with my eyes than with my wallet.

Most of my driving is on the outskirts of the city, where I live and where I work, so it was not my usual situation today to be crawling along a major highway into the city with traffic lights every fifty metres, or so it seems. You can have stress, I figure, or enjoy the view. King St in Newtown certainly has a different array of shops to see and people to observe (as your car remains stalled in traffic) to those on my normal rounds. So what the hey, I saw and observed and it was part of the day too. A different view of the world.

Headed back west into the sunset at day's end with a couple of finds I wouldn't have found around here, and having had a change of scene. It's not as good as a holiday, but it's not bad. And still one more day of the weekend to go, hurrah!


ozjane said...

My very first boss...a chartered accountant, A Toorak man from Melbourne, had that as his favorite saying.
Flat out like a lizard drinking was synonymous with that gentleman who always called me Miss K so that instead of Kingsley people thought my surname was Kaye.
Happy memories..then I became a teacher and guessed it, flat out like a lizard drinking.

Pam said...

Nice to see you back.

Goodness, that Young Vic film looks like piffle. But quite fun, as piffle sometimes is. Maybe I'll watch it.