Saturday, August 25, 2007

Op shop shirt

0708 op shop shirt
Originally uploaded by rooruu.

This is a thrifting/op-shop find - isn't it great mad quirky fabric? Should go well with Denyse Schmidt/American Jane type fabrics - it's fun to blend thrifted with new.

There's a bunch of catching up to do on this blog to return to the status quo of a photo a day, but it's not all going to happen today (too much else on my plate, including the washing on the line, it's a beautiful sunny day and not to be wasted!). But at least this is a start. Thanks for your patience with my silence, and particularly to those who sent kind messages. Very much appreciated.

1 comment:

meggie said...

What a fun fabric. You cant help but wonder who would wear such a quirky shirt! Or, seeing it was in the Op Shop, I suppose they didnt wear it!