Sunday, September 06, 2009

Quilt in progress - one from the scraps

Last summer, I sat down with a box of scraps from the previous twelve months, and started sewing.  One result was Scrap Box Jig, one of my entries in this year's Sydney Quilt Show.
Lots of fun there!
Another result was another Scrap Box quilt that's off being quilted and will be in Australian Patchwork & Quilting magazine early next year:
What surprised me was that from a not enormous box of scraps (10 litre box, about the size I'd use to hold the fabrics for a single project) I easily got two quilts, a throw-ish size and a bed size.  And I can look at each and name the quilts from which each fabric came.  They're a great sort of memory quilt, and happy ones to look at, with lots of good, cheerful energy.  The fabrics are varied, but I think they work well together.  I didn't try for matchy-matchy as I sewed each block, nor when I assembled the blocks together into a quilt.  Just went with next please! and let them work as they would.  And they did.

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