Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Hot water bottle
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Last year's jacket was a tweedy one in pinks/browns. I wore it to work, and got at least two comments about it being nice, "and they were so popular last year...". Yeah, well, it'll be around for a few years more, as will this one. Does anybody just buy jackets for one season and no more? Not this little black duck.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Ordinary buttons
Buttons are just fascinating and engaging, particularly second-hand/vintage ones.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Hunters Hill quilt show

The green/purple/orange fourpatch is by Kathy Doughty of Material Obsession.
The subtle ninepatch is "Softly Softly", available from Material Obsession.
The cashmere rectangles are "City Windows" by Sarah Fielke of Material Obsession.
The blue/green vines quilt is my favourite of the show, and don't I wish I'd taken a photo of the label? Or obtained a catalogue? It's no. 67...
The New York Beauty is a delightful use of colour.
These are my favourite quilts from the show, which had lots of other lovely ones too. More photos here. Quite a lot of perle cotton quilting, some beautiful uses of Japanese fabrics and a wonderful range in styles, with more quilts for sale than usually seen at a local quilt show.

Friday, May 26, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Gee's Bend challenge quilt
A colleague came back from a US holiday and told me all about the quilts she'd just seen in Atlanta. She's not even a quilter, and she's seen the exhibition I've been dreaming of seeing for years!!!!! One day, someday, I'm going to see the quilts of Gee's Bend...
Years ago I saw Lit from Within, an exhibition of Pennsylvania Amish quilts, in Melbourne. However often I'd seen them in books, nothing prepared me for the impact of seeing them in the gallery. They had such resonance, such power. I'm sure the Gee's Bend ones will be the same.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Book: Buried Treasure
Colour: travels through the paintbox, was a delight, for all I learned about the sources of colours and dyes. Colour and pattern are the main reasons I love quilting, and it was a book tailor-made to my interests.
This one's about jewels and looks just as promising.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Book: Dolce e Salata
0605 book
Originally uploaded by rooruu. A thousand days in Venice, by Marlena di Blasi, was an excellent holiday book last summer, with her exuberant style and energy. Loved it enough to buy this without reading anything but the blurb. It follows her story - having moved to Venice to marry a Venetian, they then move to Tuscany, which is the narrative in this book.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Two clouds
Friday, May 19, 2006
Desk accessories & Bun-O-Vision's latest triumph
It's a family failing, stationery. A wonderful aunt used to take us to stationery stores, when we were little, and mad stripey paperclips can still make me happy. It's good having something quirky amid the serious stuff.
Speaking of which, if you haven't caught the gems of the 30-second bunnies theatre library, my current Bun-O-Vision favourite is Brokeback Mountain (in 30 seconds, as enacted by bunnies). It's a hoot!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Afternoon sky
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Foggy road
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Vintage ninepatch revisited
Monday, May 15, 2006
Tidying up autumn
Sunday, May 14, 2006
My mother's hands
I should have taken more, or realised that I hadn't got the focus quite right.
Photographic concerns aside, this seemed like such a wonderfully apt subject for Mother's Day.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
Autumn colour
There are so many beautiful trees I'm seeing while driving, and it's often not possible to stop for a photograph - so this will have to stand in for all those missed opportunities.
It's been a busy week...
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Leaf pile
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Picket fence shadow
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Camellia fence
Coming up to dawn and daylight
Monday, May 08, 2006
Autumn leaves
Lots of yesterday's leaves have settled. What surprises me, when I take care to look, is all the different colours among the leaves. First look, I see light brown. Second look, I see a considerable, richly varied palette including greens, yellows, reds, burgundies.
A starting point for a quilt, perhaps.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Autumn gumleaf
Saturday, May 06, 2006
French quilt
I've made a number of 'range' quilts for magazine projects, using only fabrics from one range. Sometimes from half yards, which gives you 40in options for strips/borders, and sometimes from fat quarters, which requires a different approach to borders. Either way, it's fun to make them work to showcase the fabric but not look too predictable.
These fabrics are Promenade II by Free Spirit Fabrics.
Friday, May 05, 2006
April 2006 mosaic
This blog aims to include a photo a day. The mosaic here is April's photos all together - I'm interested to see what has occupied/preoccupied me, to see if I can discern themes or trends. Nature. Quilts. Creativity. The ordinary. The everyday-beautiful. Shapes. Colours. History. And I KNOW that without carting a camera about every day, I'd have missed most of these, or forgotten them. I can't help wondering what my grandmother or great grandmother would have seen, if either one had done the same (and had a portable camera). I wonder what future generations will make of our blogs, and the way in which we can detail and illustrate our everyday lives. I know I'd much rather read yarnstorm (currently with pics of beautiful tulips) or yarn harlot (currently wrestling with a heavy cold) or any one of a multitude of other blogs, to learn about the early 21st century, ahead of Hansard.
We've been having a balmy autumn, with little or no rain, and we need it. The dam levels are still dropping - Goulburn's town dam is officially dry, and the dams serving the Sydney area are falling too - and one tends to bend a suspicious eye on anyone with lush grass. Just this week I've noticed the deciduous trees changing, bright yellow or rich russet against the blue skies. It's a bit tricky to catch them then and there when you're driving though. Perhaps on the weekend.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Adorable covetable shoes
Look at them. Sculpture and imagination. ALL of them. Instant Imeldification!
Mouse hunt resumes...
But what they have done occasionally is expire in inaccessible places (eg. wall cavities). It's a special moment when you get that whiff first thing in the morning. And it stays for a week or two. And then a week or so later you are infested with flies...
Essential sewing tools
The tools I always have by me: pincushion, snips and a pot for threads and bits. The pincushion was a gift (thanks, Stephanie), the pot originally for spices, perhaps - the lid's long gone. The background is a little quilt made for me from vintage materials (another gift - thanks, Gillian).
I prefer the ball-headed pins - easier to wrangle. On the back of the pincushion are my favourite crowbar needles for binding. I can't sew on the machine without snips, and these ones fit the hand well.
Another 'catch' of the daily stuff around me.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
It's amusing to document the stuff we normally pass by, the objects we choose to surround us in daily life. I catch myself hunting the shelves for this particular design, not just contenting myself with the same product (white tissues) in a different box. I like the gerberas, the colours (and the contents are perfectly fine tissues...!)
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Gumleaf tiara
There is something so quirky and pleasing about the grandeur of a tiara and the occasions on which it would be worn combined with the natural form of a gumleaf: and the suggestion of pride in country. The Sydney Town Hall has some wonderful old decoration on the ceilings based on waratah, wattle and other native flora.