Sunday, February 03, 2013

34/365 Books (and a better world)

1302 34/365 Books
Originally uploaded by rooruu
An order from BetterWorldBooks from last year. Still reading through the pile. It's a snapshot of current interests - quilting, knitting, knitting socks (one of my resolutions for 2013, I WILL learn to knit socks!), renovation and home decor, crochet, collecting....

And buying from also provides funds for literacy. Win-win.

Right now, they have a Bargain Bin deal, 7 books for $35 US.  Used books from BWB (not sellers on there, but BWB themselves, which is millions of books) is FREE worldwide.  Less than $5/book if you buy 7.  What's not to like?  Go and have a browse....

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