Saturday, June 16, 2007

Red Nose Day is coming...

0706 Red Nose toy 17
Originally uploaded by rooruu.
It's time to buy a red nose and contribute to research into SIDS. Even if your jalopy isn't as stylish as this, look out for the box of goodies at the checkout next time you're out for a spin...

More information here: (and you can buy online).

This year, Red Nose Day in Australia is on Friday 29 June 2007.

Wooden car made by my dad!

Number 7 in a series....stay tuned!


Candy Schultz said...

All of a sudden I cannot find any of my Australian magazines in my area. Do you ever show the quilts on here after the magazine comes out?

meggie said...

I love your Dad's wooden toys. Does he sell them? Or just make for family.

rooruu said...

Um, I've tended not to, but it's worth a thought, since world domination by Australian quilting magazines is clearly incomplete...!

He's sold a few at the local craft markets, but by and large doesn't. Is there one you're esp. interested in? I could ask...