Monday, May 05, 2008

Quilt detail

0805 quilt detail
Originally uploaded by rooruu.
I used to be Very Rude about Suffolk puffs/yo-yos. And then I found a way to use them in a quilt so they were something else entirely. And changed my mind.

I recently acquired one of the Clover yo-yo makers, and by gum it makes yo-yo making they've reappeared in my work, on this quilt. And have worked out rather well, representing something other than Suffolk puffs. Or yo-yos.

Candy's been making a rather nice Suffolk puff quilt in brights with black and white, over at Not A Walking Encyclopedia (link over there in my blogroll).

(Quilt to be published in Australian Patchwork and Quilting vol 17 no 3, about five issues away, which is four to five months, so all I can show here is a detail).

1 comment:

Erica Spinks said...

Sorry Ruth, not convinced! Suffolk Puffs should be exterminated,in my opinion. Though the lemon fabric looks lovely on the blue...)