Sunday, April 12, 2009

Kiva: meet Georgette Anayadri

Apart from sharing the name of one of my favourite novelists (Georgette Heyer), I wish I could buy from this Georgette, not just lend her money through Kiva - look at those lustworthy fabrics!
What better to do to mark Easter than share what you have and help others?  This is what Kiva says about Georgette Anyadri, an entrepreneur in Togo:
Ms. Georgette ANAYADRI works in the business of selling pagnes (colorful West African cloth). She has been in this business since 2006 in Nukafu. The grand marketplace of Lomé is where she acquires her supplies. She wants to expand her inventory, which is why she’s requesting her first loan from WAGES. This loan will enable her to buy bolts of high quality pagnes. She is married to a gentleman who is a taxi driver. With the revenues she earns from her commerce, she helps her husband with day-to-day household expenses.
This is my eleventh loan through Kiva - now, some of the money I lend comes from repayments made on earlier loans; it's great to have it serving again to help someone make themselves a better, more secure life.  Mostly, I've looked for people involved in textiles, sewing, craftworking, as this relates to my own interests.  My lender page is here.
Kiva has gift certificates, too, if you want to give this great opportunity to someone else.  Right now there are LOTS of loan possibilities on the site, so do take a look.
Happy Easter!

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