Friday, December 15, 2006


Oh, there are lots of other favourites, too, but in compiling a mosaic (did I say thank you to flickr toys? thank you thank you for your mosaic tool which is a wonder and joy) of the year, here is an edition of my favourites.

The rooruu gingerbread lady cutter - or is she an angel? - jaunty, simple. The smile on the face of a boy contemplating an enormous Australia Day lamington cake. The ATC I made for a magazine and felt worked as well as I had hoped it would. Quilt made from scraps for a calendar quilt challenge.

Proteas from a friend's garden, the pallets I would never have noticed but for the blog/camera I carry everywhere. The iPod bag - also from scraps - which is my most popular photo on Flickr and the old fence leaning in the light of an early, foggy morning.

Vegetables - always liked the focus/distance on this one. Magazine cover with a particularly beautiful cover on it. Children running and leaping, making a sunlit historic bridge into something new and good for them. A little girl's drawings that became Christmas decorations.

And old jumper, felted, became four Christmas stockings. The shape, turn and age of an old machine - look at the colour, the patina, the shapes. Frost. My favourite white cane chair with a quilt and autumn leaves.

Raspberry cakes, a birthday gift. The colours of a joyful quilt I had in the Sydney show this year. The dolls house I want to work on over summer. A quilt made from orphan blocks left from over forty other quilts I've designed (and made).

The angel on the verandah, a gift from a friend. The quilt in my office, and the balloons being given to a friend and colleague who went overseas. That white cane chair again, with a pile of Christmas quilts. Tropical happy modern quirky Christmas decorations.

A year in 24 photos.

Most, if not all, of these have been blogged at some stage in the year, but wasn't it fun to revisit them? If you want to see a bigger version of the mosaic, click on the pic to be taken over to it on Flickr.

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