Monday, October 20, 2008

Reading: Temeraire

0810 book: Temeraire
Originally uploaded by rooruu
This book (also known as His Majesty's Dragon) is fabulous! Take the Napoleonic wars (the British side of them) and add in the aerial corps, which is, um, dragons. The prose is restrained and engaging - the characters sound period, not plonked - and the inventiveness of the story is borne out in its telling. Naomi Novik didn't just have a good idea, she made it work. When naval captain Will Laurence finds his whole life turned upside down by being forced to become the handler of the dragon Temeraire... the story begins. And there are sequels. Yay! (And Peter Jackson has the film rights).

I love it when you find/read the kind of book that makes you want to buttonhole strangers to recommend it, so they can share the hit and pleasure too. Consider yourself buttonholed!

You know that list of rooruu's favourite books from a little while ago? Something just lost its place, because this has definitely vaulted on.


1 comment:

joanlil said...

I love Temeraire too. You have an enjoyable time ahead - there are now five books in the series, though I haven't read the latest yet. These are definitely keepers as far as I am concerned.