Thursday, March 08, 2007


0703 blue quilt fabric 02
Originally uploaded by rooruu.
Feeling a bit blue at present - here's some of the evidence, look what followed me home....

I like the way it's not an entirely smooth run, it's not 'perfect'. There are a few fabrics that jump out a little, that flirt with your eye and want a bit more attention than some of the others, that don't quite fit with utter harmony. Utter harmony in a quilt can have you hiding a small, slightly confused yawn, and wondering why you don't like it as much as you want to or perhaps ought to.

I also appreciated the fact that the quilt shop is one where you can fiddle about, adding and subtracting and auditioning fabric to your heart's content without being disturbed. Putting together a bunch of fabrics can be a most social activity, if you want, and that can be great fun.

But sometimes too, you want to let all the chatter and discussion happen in your head, and be left in peace to potter. And it can be very soothing, that sort of pottering, turning over ideas in your mind, listening to your eyes and heart and design imagination.

Yes, I have an idea now for these, but it's still a bit nebulous; it needs quiet space to work itself out, and a bit of playing on EQ to examine possibilities.

I'm not sure if the idea will require the fabrics to be used in a run from light to dark, but photographing them is a useful way to see how they 'read' - I wasn't trying to put them in a perfect run here, but the photo shows me how I could rearrange them if I wanted them to shade that way. I use a door peeper often when a quilt is in progress.

1 comment:

Candy Schultz said...

Those are beautiful colors. I love playing with fabric. It is one of the joys of life.