Saturday, July 08, 2006

Red and white

0607 red and white
Originally uploaded by rooruu.
A jumper for half an octopus. Or Jake the Peg's differently abled sibling. Or some other specious fluffing. Can't put a complete photo up yet (maybe in October). But this is something I worked on yesterday and with which I amused myself. Have to admire someone who does demented dotty Fair Isle (I don't knit any more, so it wasn't me).


Anonymous said...

I've just been catching up with your posts. Great photos and plenty of interesting thoughts.

Brenda said...

I remember my mother once knitted my brother a fair isle jersey. It was one of those where the "bottom" of the sleeves and body is a plain colour and the fair isle is done as a yoke around the top. Anyway, Mum knitted this complex fair isle yoke only to discover that she had joined the sleeves so they were right next to each other instead of sleeve, front, sleeve, back. How dispiriting! So she had to undo all of the fair isle and start the yoke all over again.