Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Not a rant: Penny Foolish

0804 "Penny Foolish" title page
Originally uploaded by rooruu.

Osbert Sitwell's wonderful volume found me in an op shop on the weekend for only a couple of dollars. When I'm in the mood for a rant, I must remember the possibility of a tirade, not to mention the balancing effect of a panegyric (a formal expression of praise, I checked).

I flicked through this in the op shop. The contents pages (click on one of the photos, they're over in my Flickr photostream) looked promising. Both sides. My library has previously lacked any volumes particularly dealing with prigs and snobs, and I'm looking forward to reading about the delights of foreign colonies. As you would.

What's not to like????

Aren't words wonderful? They may be slothful, or lazy, but I am merely indolent, and it turns out to be useful...

If you pine for your own copy, they start under $US5 plus postage on abebooks.com.

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